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Upcoming Auctions
Very Rare Antique 1855 "Colt" Revolving Sporting Rifle 56 Cal. Very Few Made!
Rare Antique 1902 "Colt" Pistol 38 Cal.
With Factory Letter.
Large 14k Gold 1.88 Marquise Lab Diamond Ring.
Rare Antique 1876 "Winchester" Rifle
45-60 Cal.
Rare Antique "Colt" Single Action Pistol 32 Cal.
Rare Antique U.S. "Springfield" Carbine
Trap Door 45-70 Cal.
Rare Antique "Colt" Lightning Pistol
38-40 Cal.
Rare Antique Folding 410 Shotgun.
Rare Antique "Colt" Pocket Pistol 22 Cal.
Silver And Turquoise Bracelet.
Rare Antique 1887 "Winchester" Shotgun
12 Gauge.
Rare Antique U.S. Property "Colt" 1911 "Remington" Rand Pistol 45 Cal.
Rare Antique Engraved "Hopkins & Allen" Shotgun 12 Gauge.
Longhorns Framed Canvas.
Very Rare Antique "Acee Blue" Native American Water Set with Wood Tray.
Rare Engraved "Winchester" Model 94
"Crazy Horse" Commemorative 38-55 Cal.
Antique "Edison" Phonograph - Plays Great!!
Very Rare Antique 1928 $100 Federal Reserve Currency Note.
Very Rare Antique Horn Leg Table With Cow Hide Glass Top.
Rare Antique 1890 "Winchester" Rifle
22 Long Rifle Cal.
Rare Antique 1886 "Winchester" Rifle
45-70 Cal.
Rare Antique 1873 "Winchester" Rifle
22 Cal.
Antique "Elgin" Very Fancy 15 Jewel
Pocket Watch.
Rare Antique "Colt" Lightning Rifle
32 Cal.
"Camp Cooks Trouble" Framed Picture
" C. M. Russell".
A Very Rare Engraved Model 94 "Winchester" Cowboy Commemorative 30-30 Cal.
"C. M. Russell" Western Picture
"Desperate Stand."
Rare Antique 1873 "Winchester" Rifle
38 Cal.
An "G. Harvey" Western Picture
"Rolling Thunder."
Antique Indian Police Coach Gun 10 Gauge.
A 1966 Red Seal $100 Currency Note.
A "Marlin" Rifle 22 Cal.
Antique "American Bull Dog Iver Johnson" Pistol 32 Cal.
Silver Coin Bracelet.
"Remington" Nylon Apace Rifle in Box.
Silver Dollar Collection of 8 in Display Case.
Antique "Hopkins & Allen" Pistol 41 Cal.
"Southern Pride Smokehouse" Cast Iron
Pig Bank.
Antique "Harrington & Richardson" Pistol
32 Cal.
"Gulf Pride" Porcelain Advertising Sign.
Michael Miears Auction
Antique Firearms - Gold & Silver Coins - Rare Items!
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